reviewed by Craig Gilbert | Saturday, December 29th, 2012

Tomb And ThirstIf your band has a disc that is made up of 10 songs and it clocks in at only 13 minutes, I’m interested.

Wow. This is absolute carnage. Seriously.

Deep, brooding, fuzzed-up and bleak metal with all the essential parts: doom sludge, some D-beat, grindcore, slowed down tension, and guttural chum vocals. The recording is a bit on the light side, and yet this shit just carries on without ever letting up. A band that can dissolve a listeners soul in just 25 seconds (the tracks “Planetary Hierarchy” and “Wraiths”) and do it really well. Their tune “Great Leveller” will make you want to grab your skin and pull. Call Earache Records.

(self-released, no address provided)

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