Public Enemy to Record, Give Rise Against a Huge Bump in Cred

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Public Enemy have begun preparations on their new album, which will include guest performances by Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave), Rise Against, and Z-Trip. The band also plans to enter the studio sooner than originally intended, as they establish a new fan-funding goal via in order to speed up the recording process. Originally, the band had hoped to raise $250,000 in funds, but have lowered their sights to a more realistic goal of $75,000. They’d originally hoped to raise the quarter-million so as to afford to have guest musicians on every track, but have trimmed down their expectations significantly. Currently, they’ve raised 75 percent of their fundraising goal.

I have no idea what fan-funding or Sellaband is either, but if Chuck D is plugging it as an alternative to the major label system then it must be worth investigating. For more info, visit or

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