MP3s Can Now Be 3D Printed Into Vinyl Records

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

3D Printed Record

Several months ago, we reported on the first-ever wooden records were created, using, in part, 3D printing technology. That technology could be used in the near future by just about anyone who wants to press a vinyl record from MP3s.

Researcher and innovator Amanda Ghassaei, who created the wooden records, has also used 3D printing to enable a method that transforms a digital audio sample into a physical plastic record that plays on a standard turntable. As Ghassaei writes on her website entry for the 3D Printed Record, “In order to explore the current limits of 3D printing technology, I’ve created a program for converting digital audio into a 3D model of a record and printed some functional prototypes that play on ordinary record players.”

The below video is of the world’s first 3D-printed record being played, featuring a gravelly medley of Daft Punk’s “Around The World,” New Order’s “Blue Monday,” and Joy Division’s “Disorder.”

Could “mix vinyls” becoome the new mixtape?

For more, check out this lengthy article on Tonedeaf.

3D Printed Record – Audio Tests from Amanda Ghassaei on Vimeo.

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