Well documented in both the 1998 film Wrestling With Shadows and Bret “The Hitman” Hart’s biography Hitman released in 2007, Julie Hart is coming out with her long-awaited biography Hart Strings published by Tightrope Books. Those anticipating more insight into the Montreal Screwjob or tawdry gossip on the Hart clan should take this caveat to heart: the story is told from Julie’s journals, and explains her pain and acceptance of an uneasy marriage, lonely child-rearing, and her pre-Hitman days growing up in Saskatchewan. Julie, mother of four, is hoping her book is well-received by the fans she’s kept in touch with over the years — no small feat considering Julie was never an on-air WWE character.
Hart Strings chronicles Julie’s late teen years and early romance and courtship with Bret and the subsequent family life with her wrestler husband, who went from Calgary-region indie wrestling star to a global superstar from the 1980s until his retirement in 2000.
How long did it take for you to write this book?
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On and off, I’ve been working on it since 1999, but more intensely in the last five years or so.
When did you know you had finished it for good?
I [told] Bret I’d sold the book about seven months ago, and I remember that just telling him made it feel like it was finally done, finished, and that I’d said my piece. I remember when he gave me his book to read about a year before it was published and how shocked I was. It has been an extremely cathartic experience.
What do you hope readers will gain from your book?
Well, above all, it’s the story of a family — my family — my kids, and a bit of a sad romance story. Bret and I married at a very young age and I was immediately immersed in that world. Then we created our own world, and as you know, four children, who are what we still have to show for, which of course is a blessing. There are so many sad stories in the Hart family, but at least our nuclear family has its health, and there is some sort of resolve.
A lot of people might not know this, but you are of First Nation’s decent. How do you feel about First Nation’s support in Canada?
I’m not a political person, but I think that in order for First Nation – Metis people to advance, education is a must. Education equals empowerment, which equals stronger leaders for tomorrow and beyond.
In the documentary Wresting With Shadows, your family is the subject of intense surveillance to a degree. How long were the cameras actually in your face?
For hours on end, morning, noon, and night. It felt like at times it would never be over. It was at probably the most intense time in my marriage with Bret too; everything at that time just seem to be intensified emotionally.
How do you think your book differs from all the other wrestling books?
Well, firstly, I’m not a wrestler, if you haven’t noticed, but it is a wrestling book. It’s also a love story, as corny as that sounds. It’s about a family that was married to wrestling to a degree and the beginning, middle, and end of my romance with Bret. It’s my life, plain and simple.
For more info on Julie’s book, head to Tightrope Books. For a chance to win a signed copy of Julie’s book answer this trivia question: Name a brother or sister-in law of Julie Hart. Send your answers to info@tightropebooks.com and write VERBICIDE CONTEST: JULIE HART in the subject line with your name and address. Deadline is 4/15/13.