Interview: The Mishaps

words by Leanne O'Connor | photo by Douglas Novielli
| Monday, August 5th, 2002

The MishapsHailing from Baltimore, Maryland, The Mishaps are a young trio of musicians on course to change the face of music. Bringing a refreshing fusion of rock n’ roll and punk rock to the music world, The Mishaps continue to impress all that chance to see or hear them live. Their upcoming debut EP, Get Away Volume, will soon be available on Scissor Press Records. They will also be embarking on a summer tour; for dates and souvenir underwear check out

So who is who and who plays what?
Neal: The band consists of Johnny, John, and Neal. Johnny plays bass, John plays drums, and I play guitar and sing.

How did you guys get to know each other and start a band?
Neal: Well I was looking for a band, and Johnny and John were the mercenary drum and bass players in the area. After several bad name ideas which will not be mentioned we came up with the name “The Mishaps.”

Were you in any other bands before?
Neal: Yes, Johnny and John were in The Republican’ts and I was in a few others.

So I heard you’ve played in bagel shops before. What’s the strangest thing that has happened at one of your shows?
Neal: This one time, people liked us.

Whats the story of the name “The Mishaps.” If you didn’t have that name, what else would have you been called?
Neal: Each one of us has lost a testicle under mysterious circumstances, so the name came naturally. There is nothing else to call us.

What are some of your favorite bands, and who has influenced you?
Neal: The Clash, Elvis Costello, and David Bowie.
Johnny: Van Halen, AC/DC, and the Who.
John: Strawberry Alarm Clock and Sterolab.

If you could play a show with anyone, who would it be?
Neal: The Who, circa 1976.

So what is punk rock anyway?
Neal: I don’t know, but apparently we can’t afford it.

Do you have a CD or record available to buy?
Neal: Yes. It is called Get Away Volume, with six songs, and will be out on Scissor Press Records in July. We also have Mishaps aprons and official John Fatur boxer shorts. Seriously.

If you weren’t in a band, what do you think you’d be doing with your life?
Neal: Going to school and becoming a librarian, and following the Newsboys’ world tour.
Johnny: Baking erotic cakes.
John: Being a drifter or a karate tournament fighter.

Outside of the band, what do you do to fill up your days?
Neal: I go to school…and eat Johnny’s Erotic Cakes.
Johnny: (Not applicable).
John: Push-ups and reading.

Anything else you’d like to share?
Neal: We’re not exactly sure if what we play is punk rock by everyone’s standards. And, incidentally, the market price for a spare testicle is around 40,000 dollars.

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