Interview: Sean Ingram of Coalesce

words by Jackson Ellis and Liesl Herget
| Friday, June 15th, 2001

CoalesceOriginally published in Verbicide issue #3

For the six years of their existence, 1994 to 1999, hardcore band Coalesce was fronted by vocalist/throat mangler Sean Ingram. Though it has been over a year since the group dismantled, Sean has been very busy with several new projects, including the recording of a new EP and helping maintain the Coalesce website, Mr. Ingram took the time to inform us of his current undertakings and gave a little inside information about Coalesce in an email interview just before the new year.

First of all, the new Coalesce website looks great! How has the process of creating and maintaining the site been? Who else is involved?
All of the credit goes to Mark from the awesome band Eniac. I just supplied him with direction and information; he has made it happen. It was fun to do, I wish I could have been able to have done it earlier.

What else has been keeping you busy in the past year since the break-up of Coalesce?
Finally sending out the merchandise that I get emailed about all the time; that has been a big priority of mine. When you get hundreds of emails saying, “I want this shirt, or that shirt” you take it as a big hint. I was listening so I brought it to the site. I’ve been learning as much as I can about computers, specifically Macs. That is also a big priority. I’m also making one-inch buttons for bands and labels.

What bands are you into these days?
Radiohead, Higher Burning Fire, Lisa Loeb, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Jimmy Eat World. Also a lot of stuff Ed Rose gives me, but I never get band names on those tapes.

For you, what was the most meaningful Coalesce song?
“Bob Junior.”

Have you played an active role in the artwork of your albums? Is there anything symbolic about the Give Them Rope cover art with the angel in the black backdrop? Or on the 0:12 Revolution In Just Listening cover with the twins jointed inside a womb?
Yeah, I am responsible for every album cover except the Led Zeppelin cover album, There is Nothing New Under the Sun, and the split seven inches. There is a lot of symbolism to everything I do. I used to explain it all, but I don’t do that anymore. I’m leaving it up to the listener to read the lyrics and make the pieces fit.

A couple years ago to our knowledge, you had a performance at the “Loud as Fuck” tour in New England. People to this day have commented on the craziness of the performance. While Jes broke a guitar and was getting sick offstage, you continued to keep the song going. What would your comments be on that particular performance? And what was your attitude towards the reaction that performance received?
I honestly don’t remember, that sounds like a lot of our East Coast shows. We would just do what we did.

Did Coalesce ever hear from any surviving members of Led Zeppelin in regards to There is Nothing New Under the Sun?
Haha, no. If we did I’m sure it would be about money.

Musically and lyrically, who have been your major influences?
Lyrically: Lisa Loeb, Maynard Keenan. Musically, Phil Anselmo and Karl Buechner.

Finish this sentence: “Sometimes I…”
Sometimes I get to sleep for more than an hour.

Tell us a bit about the “Miasis/Bob Junior” project you have been working on. When can we expect your first release?
It’s a project I’ve been sitting on for a while. I’m not leaking a lot about it, but the first EP will be out this new year, 2001.

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