Interview: Laura Litter of Fabulous Disaster

words by Leanne O'Connor
| Friday, June 15th, 2001

LauraOriginally published in Verbicide issue #3

On March 7th, 2001 I went to see Propagandhi and Avail play in Pittsburgh. After Avail’s set I got to talk with Laura Litter of the opening band, Fabulous Disaster. They are a four-piece punk band from San Francisco, recently signed to Fat Wreck Chords. This interview was from the top of my head, so excuse some of the shallow questions. A big thank you goes to Laura for taking the time to do this!

What are everyone’s names and what instruments do you play?
I’m Laura Litter and I sing. Mr. Nancy plays the bass. Sally Gess is our drummer, and Lynda Mandolyn sings backup vocals and plays guitar.

How long have you been together?
Three years.

What are some of your influences?
Joan Jett, the Go-Go’s, and Patty Smith influenced me a lot. Gina Shock and the Go-Go’s were Mr. Nancy’s main influences. The Descendents are a favorite of Sally’s, and Lynda is most influenced by the Damned and the Misfits.

What made you want to join a band?
It was a need for me. I’ve wanted it ever since I was little.

How did you become involved with Fat Wreck Chords?
Sally worked at a club where they wouldn’t let Mike and his wife in. She let them in and gave him our demo. He came and saw us play and liked us. He eventually asked us to be a part of Fat Wreck Chords.

When did your record come out?
Actually, yesterday [March 6th]. It’s brand new.

What sort of things do you do outside of the band?
I tattoo, Lynda likes movies and her dogs, Sally likes to get tattoos and playing with her kitty, Spooky.

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Do you have any crazy tour stories?
Once we stayed in a Motel 8 and out of boredom lifted up the mattresses. We found a crack pipe, rolling papers, and an empty bottle of rum.

If you weren’t in a band what do you think you would be doing?
I love candy, so possibly be working for Willy Wonka, or a tattoo artist or actress.

What are some of the newer bands that you like?
The Ataris, At The Drive-In, NOFX (although they aren’t really new), and The Donnas.

Any advice for someone just starting out with a band?
Have no barriers, be unique and honest. Kiss the ground everyday when you wake up, and have fun!

How can people contact you?
Our website which is, or by emailing me at

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