Interview: Adam Morse of Absolve

words by Jackson Ellis | photo by Lorin Eaton
| Friday, June 15th, 2001

AbsolveOriginally published in Verbicide issue #3

In mid-summer 2000, I had the pleasure of interviewing then-Trustfall frontman Adam J. Morse. Adam discussed his personal musical favorites and inspirations, as well as the bright future in store for him and the rest of Trustfall. However, in late summer, personal differences and conflict within the band led to an abrupt departure and replacement of Adam, who was left dejected and bandless.

At about the same, fellow New England band Particle dissolved, and while their vocalist and guitarist both went on to join Trustfall, bassist Paul Gerrish and drummer Heath Davis joined Adam and guitarist Matt Rantz to form Absolve. The experience has been nothing but positive, and it has brought about a new sense of musical maturity and inspiration for everyone involved. Adam took some time in early February ’01 to answer a few questions and give some insight into his new band.

First of all, tell me a bit about your new band Absolve. Who is in the lineup? How would you describe the sound?
The band consists of myself on vocals, Matt Rantz on guitar, Heath Davis on drums, and Paul Gerrish on bass. I am amazed every time we play together. We all click in this perfect way. Every one of those cats is an amazing musician and artist. Every song we write is better than the last one. We are crafting a sound that I actually find difficult to describe to those that inquire, which I’m very happy about. I find myself having to run off a string of names in order to get the point across. If someone asks me what we sound like I will usually say, “Think of a combination between Grade, Quicksand, Snapcase, Far, Will Haven, Glassjaw, and Nothingface and you’re beginning to get the picture.” I know that sounds almost too diverse, but there is a unifying feel throughout all of our songs. We have a lot of melody, mood and emotion, and there are also moments of complete unbridled aggression but it all feels right and in it’s place.

Early this past fall, you split from your former band, Trustfall. What exactly happened between you and the other members? Was it a bad breakup? Do you feel that eventually things have worked out for the best?
Amazingly enough, I do believe things have worked out for the best, no question about it. Right now I am playing the kind of music that I’ve always aspired to play: music that strives to be something real and unique rather than relying on the influences that inspire us. As much as I enjoyed Trustfall, we were a bit derivative. Absolve is really only similar to my old band in that we play heavy rock, but it is a completely different experience. Even aside from the musical aspects of it, I am now playing with some of the greatest people I’ve ever met in my life; just honest, genuine people.

Looking back, I realize that I wasn’t really close with anyone in Trustfall. I rushed into a band without paying attention to what the people I was playing with were really like. And I’m not talking shit right now, they just weren’t my kind of people. I wanted to make music for art’s sake, and that isn’t where their heads are at. And that’s fine, but that’s really what it came down to. Outside of playing shows and practicing, I barely spent time with any of them, and what little time I did spend was usually awkward and uncomfortable.

In terms of the nature of the breakup, I was very bitter at first, but seeing as I’m happier now with Absolve than I ever was in that band, I’ve lost all that hate. We are in a very small scene so it’s hard to not run into them, and when I do it’s civil, but not really that friendly.

An interesting fact that not too many people know is that two of my current band members (Heath and Paul) were in a band called Particle, which is where Trustfall got their new singer and guitar player from…which kind of left a bad taste in their mouths as well. Our joining forces has kind of made that whole situation a positive one for us. So, to sum things up, I doubt you’ll be seeing a Trustfall/Absolve tour any time soon. We could call it “The World’s Most Awkward Tour Ever.”

Absolve’s first show was January 13, 2001, in Auburn, Maine. What are your feelings about the band’s initial performances and the crowd reactions? Do you have many shows lined up for the future?
We are slowly but surely booking some good shows. We’re pretty much starting from the bottom. I know a few more people now, as opposed to when Trustfall began and we knew no one, which helps in finding shows, but it’s definitely not easy. We’re just taking what we can get and being happy with it.

In regards to the initial reaction to our sound, I was pretty shocked. I wasn’t sure what people would think, but apparently we’re doing something right because the response has been overwhelming. I think those who really care enough about music to go out and support local bands can appreciate it when a band is trying to do something new. Straight up, the kids who involve themselves in the underground scene are probably the most open-minded and dedicated fans any band could ever ask to have. I feel fortunate that we are a part of that.

I have to give props to our friends in Colepitz, Barium, Minus, Trumore, and Shred from WBCN for helping us get started. Without those guys we’d still be sitting in our practice space thinking about how to get some shows.

The new website ( looks great! Who created the site, and who maintains it?
Thanks man. The site design was a collaborative effort between Matt (guitar) and myself. The image of the screaming child that is imbedded in our banner across the top is something I found in a psychology book that immediately struck a chord with me. That one graphic speaks volumes about how much emotion our music contains. Right now a friend of mine maintains the site for us (Jamie Willis Rose) by posting our updates and such because I really have no idea how to code HTML.

In the last interview we did, you stated that you are originally from Long Island. At the request of a friend who is from Rockville Centre, I have to ask which town are you from?
I grew up in Locust Valley. Near the north shore in Nassau County.

Are you still living in Boston?
That I am. Beantown is the place to be.

Have Absolve been signed to a record contract yet? What are your plans for a future release?
No, we most definitely have not been signed to a recording contract as of yet. We plan on self-financing an EP which we will hopefully begin tracking within the next few weeks. We are looking to track around four or five of our nine current songs. It’s going to be tough deciding, but I have a feeling that we’re already set on three of the songs: “Contingency Theory of Leadership,” “Kept,” and “Wrong Things to the Right.”

How can people contact you for booking information?
We can be reached through our website, or directly through email at

Thanks a lot for your time, Adam, and best of luck to you and your bandmates.
Thank you, Jackson. I hope this zine is a success for you and your fellow contributors. I think I can speak for the entire band when I say that Absolve, and the entire New England scene for that matter, owes you a debt of infinite gratitude for your amazing support of unsigned/underground acts. Keep it up brother!

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