Xiu Xiu – Gray Death

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Xiu XiuXiu Xiu is an experimental indie rock band originally from and currently based in Oakland, California. The band is the brainchild of singer-songwriter Jamie Stewart, who has been its only constant member since its inception. His current bandmates are Angela Seo and percussionist Ches Smith.

Xiu Xiu’s music draws heavily from several disparate genres including punk, noise, ambient, techno, asian percussive music, modern classical, and folk. Musically, the band will often blend cacophonous percussion and experimental structures with lush hooks and diverging lyrical styles, influenced by bands of the UK post-punk scene such as The Cure and Joy Division.

Xiu Xiu’s new album, Dear God, I Hate Myself, will be out in February on Kill Rock Stars, available in CD and vinyl formats. They will be touring the UK in February, followed by a United States tour in March and into April.

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