Weezer Sign to Epitaph, Releasing New Album, Going on a Tour to Promote…The Blue Album?

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

We all know that alt-rock icons Weezer have signed to Epitaph Records after a 16-year stint on Geffen. We all know the new album, Hurley, is coming out in a few weeks and has stupid cover art. However, the big surprise you might not know is that Weezer might be heading out on a major tour…and will likely only be playing songs from 1994’s self-titled “blue” album and 1996’s Pinkerton.

As reported by MTV News, Rivers Cuomo has stated, “We have this really exciting idea to do a tour where we spend two nights in each city, and the first night, we play the entire Blue Album, and the second night, we play the entirety of Pinkerton. We’re just running it by promoters right now to see if there’s sufficient interest in the markets to do something like that, and if they’re on board, it’s gonna happen.”

Seems like that would be the logical thing to do. By appealing to the bands’ fans from their peak years in the mid-’90s — who are all in their (rather, our) late-20s/early-30s — they’ll likely have much better turnouts at the shows than if they try to grab new fans from Epitaph’s teeny-bopper fanbase. I don’t care about their new album. I stopped caring long before the first time I heard the first few hand claps on that obnoxious turd of a song “Beverly Hills.” I want to remember Weezer in all their glory: tired of sex, and rocking out at Arnold’s Drive-In:

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