In this installment of VTV, I’ve decided to highlight a few choice DIY videos that I’ve stumbled upon.
This video, “And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them,” is by Joseph Andreoli of the Massachusetts band Giraffes? Giraffes! The music is paired with footage from an old silent film version of Alice in Wonderland (1903). It’s creepy, in a good way.
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Quinn Marston made this video for her song, “Can You Hear Me See Me Now,” after a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She said, “I knew I wanted to do an animation video. I had gone to the Metropolitan Museum of Art just before making it, and that’s what got me thinking about Egyptian and Chinese Dynastic art. The overwhelming nature of a museum that special and big inspired me to put as many ideas into the video as possible. It’s all hand drawn and homemade. It gives me total respect for the animation process and how much work has to go into it.”
This new Atmosphere video for their song “The Best Day” is comprised of photos taken by Isaac Arvold, the merch guy on their recent tour. I’ve got a soft spot for the combination of Slug and Ant, and these photos are fun, and real, so naturally I like this one. This simple concept for a video isn’t a new one, but the way the photos are projected on flat surfaces in the middle of different cities is a fresh take on an old idea.