Vocalist of Against Me!, Formerly Tom Gabel, Makes Live Debut as Laura Jane Grace in San Diego

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

photo by Natalie Kardos, Rolling Stone

The vocalist and guitarist of Against Me!, formerly known as Tom Gabel, made her live debut as Laura Jane Grace on Friday, May 25th. Two weeks into hormone replacement therapy, Grace performed with the band under her new name for the first time since coming out as transgender.

According to the RS show review, Grace sounds the same as ever:

Charging through a 40-minute set at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay in San Diego – the first stop in a month-long U.S. tour with British rockers the Cult – the quartet played six new songs, including the rollicking anthem “Transgender Dysphoria Blues,” the title track of an album they’re working on. Decked out in a loose-fitting black tank top, tight black jeans and black eye shadow, Grace was in high spirits as she delivered her trademark, throat-shredding screams.

“I was worried that some people expected me to come out looking like Little Bo Peep or something,” Grace said after the show while hanging out at the merch table with her wife, Heather.

Click here to read the rest of the show review.

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