Bravely sacrificing accessibility for an original sound, the eclectic New Englanders known as tUnE-yArDs grace the fringe of pop, yet find a way to transcend all genres on their newest release w h o k i l l. Their sparse roster of instruments might lend a clue: a floor tom, a ukulele, a pair of saxophones, a bass guitar, and a single loop pedal. As a cohesive unit, it’s a combination that’s near impossible to imagine, but meshed with the otherworldly vocals of front woman Merrill Garbus, it translates just well enough to be outrageously different and cool. The discombobulated orchestrations may be challenging to listen to for long periods of time, but nonetheless the creative juices flowing in this album are unlike any I’ve heard in a while. There’s something special about a band that can leave you completely enamored while strumming the same chord on a ukulele for two minutes straight (the track “Gangsta”). It’s difficult to describe a band that’s so unique, so check out w h o k i l l for yourself.
(4AD Records, 17-19 Alma Road, London SW18 1AA)