TOYS THAT KILL – Fambly 42

reviewed by Craig Gilbert | Friday, July 27th, 2012

Fambly 42It’s been close to six years since the last Toys That Kill release, right? That means Todd Congelliere found his father’s Kinks records or his uncle’s copy of Sweetheart of The Rodeo and they have incorporated some alt-country vibe to their sound that…

Nah. Don’t worry. They haven’t pulled that shit. They still sound like the cool, pop-punk band made up of A/V techs from middle school. Fambly 42 is a sped-up Toys record; a reminder that sweaty, lo-fi recording sessions in humid basements and bedrooms are the best way to capture this type of fun. Jangly guitars, great hooks, and coffee-time beats hold it all together, while high-end vocals still bark with a drive and urgency.

To try to pick a track that stands out is kind of silly, as all 15 songs on the album (even the slower-starting “Clap For Alaska”) have that similar tone, vibe, and sound that works so well as the background music for a a hot, summertime punk rock barbecue. But if I had to choose, I’d pick “I Don’t Wanna Be Around” as the disc’s knockout track. Big, hot, treble-y fun.

(Recess Records, PO Box 1666, San Pedro, CA 90733)

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