reviewed by Chris Aitkens | Monday, April 11th, 2011

Every time I think of the term “melodic hardcore,” what comes to mind is Mitch Clem’s web comic Nothing Nice To Say where Fletcher claims that melodic hardcore is an oxymoron. A joke worth a chuckle, but nowhere near the truth.

I heard no contradiction in Title Fight’s style. Although I found no lack of talent in the 12 songs, I was disappointed that there was no originality in the style and that Title Fight sound like every other melodic hardcore band out there, with the raw, singy vocals barely heard over the guitar, which often transitions from high energy verses to slow, moody bridges. But if that’s what you live for, then you have every reason in the world to buy this album (don’t even think about downloading it; Side One has been on the ball with tracking down violators).  Shed is fast, energetic and short, which left me asking “is that it?” when the final track ended. Better short than excruciatingly long.

(Side One Dummy Records, 1944 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90068)

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