reviewed by Peter Cauvel | Monday, September 26th, 2011

This Will Destroy You tries to avoid the term “post-rock.” At first, Tunnel Blanket, their second full-length album, seems like just another post-rock album. The first three minutes of opener “Little Smoke” are slow, but then it explodes with noise, and continues to build throughout the remainder of its 12 minutes.

The band prefers to be categorized as “doomgaze.” Its thick, reverberating wall of sound is an instrument unto itself, but Tunnel Blanket is much heavier than shoegaze. Titles like “Black Dunes” and “Communal Blood” perfectly reflect the doomy music within. “Killed the Lord, Left for the New World” is oddly light, both in music and feeling, but the less-than-somber song parallels the rest of the album’s magnitude.

Tunnel Blanket is nothing to be afraid of, though. Sometimes the darkest things can be the most grand and beautiful.

(Hobbledehoy Records, PO Box 704, Walkervile, SA 5081 Australia)

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