This Week in Pop Culture: Tupac and Tower of Babel Edition

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

10. You might say you never want to hear about Snooki again, but what if I told you she crashed into a police car in Italy this weekend while filming the third season of “Jersey Shore” and sent the two cops inside to the hospital? Say what, right?

9. Do you want to buy this Japanese toy? It’s a box. You press a button and a piece of wood juts out of it… or something. I think that’s it. Check it out, it is… so great.

8. Since everybody cares about Kim Kardashian, you have all probably already heard that she is engaged to mediocre basketball player Kris Humphries. But did you hear that their wedding may be televised? When asked about it, Kim’s sister Kourtney responded, “I assume it would be. [We] sell our souls to E!, but it’s up to Kim and Kris” — i.e., yes, there is totally going to be Royal Wedding #2, only with better butts.

7. This is about as epic as internet videos get: watch as a racehorse named Slim Shady kicks the $*#% out of a cameraman mid-leap.

6. Researchers discovered a tunnel under the “Temple of the Snake” in the pre-Hispanic city of Teotihuacan about 28 miles northeast of Mexico City. The tunnel had apparently been sealed off about 1,800 years ago, and is slated to be the most important archaeological discovery thus far of the 21st century.

5. Some woman is suing Chanel after a $10,000 ring she tried on at their store got stuck on her finger. Ummmm… *shrug*

4. Surprise, surprise: Studies show that “Happy Guys” are less sexually attractive to women, but that guys are over 90 percent likely to be sexually attracted to a  “Happy Woman.” Meaning that if you watch “Parks & Recreation” and are sexually attracted to Rob Lowe, you’re a total weirdo.

3. This weekend, hackers usurped the PBS website and posted a story that the late rapper Tupac Shakur was found alive in New Zealand. PBS! Heh heh heh heh.

2. Argentinean Artist Marta Minujin builds an 82-foot spiraling “Tower of Babel” made from over 30,000 books to honor Buenos Aires being named the 2011 Book Capital of the World.

1. Ayiyiyiii… Andy Dick is being sued after rubbing his man-parts on some innocent dude’s face at a comedy show. Of course, you can watch with your own eyes… here.

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