reviewed by Matthew Schuchman | Saturday, March 24th, 2012

All At OnceApproximately 3,000 miles separate the members of The The The Thunder. A rock outfit comprised of friends in New York and Seattle, their debut release All At Once has been unleashed on the unsuspecting internet, delivering intoxicating indie style tunes with a twist of heart.

It was the turn of the century when an explosion of New York garage rock bands flooded the market. The Strokes, Interpol, The Walkmen — they all get right down to the nitty gritty, but drown their tunes in distorted glory. The The The Thunder treat the style with a clean tone and thoughtful hand.

Pulsing with twinge of ’90s rock sensibility, the opening three tracks — “Emergency Room,” Worth It,“ and “Leave Us” — swarm in, capturing a hold of the listeners primal core. The urge to sway to the beats and sing along before you know the lyrics is uncontrollable.  Bringing things back down to earth, “Firecracker” opens up the bands darker tones, chilling your blood and bones. All At Once is no single-note indie/post-punk tribute album; it’s a wave that crashes down from the highs, providing force for the next rise.

Seasoned film viewers will be familiar with the image of a protagonist or villain staring down the lens sporting a crooked smile and the music swells with a swift, cut to black. The majority of All At Once is that song: a powerful, yet not overwhelming anthem that everyone can connect to. It may resemble our joyful thoughts, or touch your menacing underbelly. Either way, it makes you beg for more.

(Secret Sibling Records, 34-51 42nd St. Apt 2L, Long Island City, NY 11101)

Verbicide Free Download: Click here to download “Emergency Room” by The The The Thunder

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