reviewed by Evan Pearson | Monday, August 1st, 2011

Punk veterans The Riverboat Gamblers new EP is a frantic four-song refresher course on how to go nuts with precision and style. It’s been three years since the band released Underneath The Owl and this release seems primed for stages everywhere.

This band really excels during their live shows. Vocalist Mike Wiebe, known for his onstage (and offstage) antics that include swinging from the rafters by his feet and literally bouncing off of walls, indulged that they’ve actually been playing “Parasite Friend” for about a year, but are excited to play the rest of the tracks for fans. “The Ol’ Smash and Grab” is a two-and-a-half-minute romp wherein Wiebe belts, “You see things in new ways/As soon as we replace your eyes.” What he’s telling you is that you haven’t seen a show until you’ve seen him do his best Iggy Pop impression.

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Wiebe has stated that this EP is about “western attitudes.” I’m not entirely sure what those are, but if this album is the embodiment, those attitudes are probably fun, raucous, and slick. Get this EP, play it loud in your home, and practice your ability to go ape-shit before they come to a bar near you.

(Paper + Plastick Records, PO Box 12081, Gainesville, FL 32604)

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