The Oranges Band put out an album of respectable alt-rock with a slight Brit-pop twinge to it. The opening track, “Ottobar Afterhours,” is simply a fun track. The whole album is a collection of respectable music with solid guitars and no-miss drums. The vocals sound like a mix of Kings of Leon smashed together with Liam Gallagher. The only problem is that once the album gets past “Gordon’s Nightclub” the whole thing starts sounding alike. Songs drag. Nothing stands out. It all becomes background noise with the over seven minutes long “Absolutely Instru(mental)” weighing the album down like an anchor until it lists to an end.
That isn’t to say this album is bad though. Are Invisible is a fun album without a major high point, but no real downers either. It is what it is — an album with a light-hearted sound that would make a great backing for any sort of mellow party. There isn’t anything musically profound here. It’s just good solid music.
(Morphius Records, 1100 East 23rd St., Baltimore, MD 21218)