CD / Music


reviewed by Kyle Iverson | Thursday, December 21st, 2006

thelesserbirdsofparadise-spacebetweenThis record is by far the most unique I have reviewed for Verbicide. Usually I get punk, maybe with a little hardcore to mix it up. The Lesser Birds of Paradise are a folk band — not quite what I am used to. Nevertheless, this is an absolutely gorgeous record. It’s quiet and mellow and melodic, and uses a lot of experimentation with sound. At first listen it sounds simple, but as you listen on you kind of realize how layered it really is. There is so much going on in each song, and you don’t even take notice of it. You kind of get lost in it. It’s almost like a more complex Iron and Wine, I guess that’s the closest comparison I can come up with. If you are tired of hearing all those suck ass emo bands whine, and sick of all music sounding the same, I recommend picking this up.

(Contraphonic, PO Box 2203, Chicago, IL 60690)

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