Song Premiere: Quaildogs “The Wedding Song” (feat. Book Club’s Rachel Buckley)

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

photo by Jamie Platus

Quaildogs, with a lineup unchanged since 2011 and yet no debut record, are set to release their first LP next month. Check out our premiere of “The Wedding Song” off their upcoming album, The Getting Old Factory, and some words from the band about the track:

“Close to the end of recording The Getting Old Factory, we decided we wanted something smaller and more intimate—something to offset the album’s bigger moments. Also, we’re in our late 20s, and weddings have become a big part of our lives. Every summer, we all have to go stand up there a few times, we have to wear something ugly that someone else picked out, and then go get drunk afterwards. The best weddings, you can really feel the love, and sometimes the excess ends up at your feet when least expect it.

“And the people at the wedding—especially the ones who are still single—they can bring a bittersweet element to the mix. You see two people so caught up in each other, you can’t help but compare yourself to them. That’s where all the feelings of loneliness, inadequacy, jealousy—whatever—enter the picture. “The Wedding Song” is about two people wrestling with those emotions, finding each other and feeling better about themselves for a night.

“After we wrote the the song, we knew we needed a girl singer to tell the other half of the story. Our engineer Ben Etter actually worked on Book Club’s most recent album, and he offered to reach out to their [harmony singer/co-lead vocalist] Rachel Buckley. Rachel has such a great voice — she really tapped into that sense of vulnerability we were looking for. We did the whole thing with one mic in Rob’s living room on a Saturday afternoon. It was super informal and organic, and she was such a sweetheart throughout.”

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