reviewed by Peter Cauvel | Monday, June 20th, 2011

Back in the early 2000s, Victory Records was huge. The label had best-selling bands like Taking Back Sunday, Hawthorne Heights, Bayside, and Thursday. Silverstein were always minor players, thriving on comparisons to more successful bands.

Nearly a decade after their genre’s heyday, Silverstein hasn’t changed much. They’ve got a new label, Hopeless Records, but the music is pretty much the same, albeit outdated sounding. The album’s basic formula — poppy choruses, “emo” lyrics and the obligatory screaming — is repetitive and off-putting to anyone over age 14.

If Silverstein had been better when screamo was cool, there might be a chance of some nostalgia. But Rescue is just as generic as any of the legions of sound-alike bands that ended up killing the genre.

(Hopeless Records, PO Box 7495 Van Nuys, CA 91409)

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