The Skull on “The Silence of the Lambs” Movie Poster Is Actually Made of Naked Women – Salvador Dali’s “In Voluptas Mors”

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

The Silence of the Lambs

Fun fact about the movie poster for the 1991 movie The Silence of the Lambs: the skull on the backside of the moth covering Jodie Foster‘s mouth is actually a photo of naked women from 1951, “In Voluptas Mors.” It was conceived of by Salvador Dali and was shot by Philippe Halsman.

Second fun fact: the moth it depicts is real. The death’s-head hawkmoth is a real moth found primarily in Europe, and it appears to have a human skull on its back.

Check out the photos below, including the actual Dali artwork, and a photo of the real death’s-head hawkmoth:

The Silence of the Lambs butterfly

“The Silence of the Lambs” butterfly from the movie poster

"In Voluptas Mors," photograph by Philippe Halsman (in collaboration with Salvador Dalí), 1951

“In Voluptas Mors,” photograph by Philippe Halsman (in collaboration with Salvador Dalí), 1951

Death's-head Hawkmoth

Death’s-head Hawkmoth

(via Awesomenator)

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