SCREENS – Dead House

reviewed by Peter Cauvel | Monday, June 20th, 2011

Screens are something of an indie misfit super-group. Drummer Andrew Becker from Medications, vocalist Breck Brunson from The Apes, and The Mall’s keyboardist Daniel Roland Tierney joined with guitarist Luke Kozikowski in 2009. But somehow they’ve kept a pretty low profile.

Dead House, their debut album, mixes the noise rock of Liars with the psychedelic overtones of MGMT. Fans of The Apes will definitely be most interested in this project because Brunson’s voice is something of an acquired taste. The vocals, however, are buried and shrouded with effects. It walks a thin line between lo-fi and bad production, which turns Brunson’s singing is mostly indiscernible wailing.

There’s no denying the talent of the band, though. Potential oozes from every song. Screens seems like a band that could bring thrills to a live audience, but Dead House lacks the proper production to carry the album.

(What Delicate Recordings, no address provided)

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