reviewed by Thomas Pizzola | Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

SandriderThey may be named after a character in an overblown sci-fi novel, but these Seattle natives, which includes Nat Damm (drums) and Jon Weisnewski (guitar, vocals) of hardcore lifers Akimbo, joined by Jesse Roberts (bass, vocals), know how to lay down some stripped-down, noisy rock jams, making you forget the yuppie hell that their city has become. In a way, their awesome racket — which includes aspects of hardcore, hard rock, and noise rock — hearkens back to another time, one where men and women laid some loud guitar jams for no other reason than it sounded good.

They hit the ground with the driving rhythms and noisy guitar of “Children.” From there, they build on that template to craft songs that have an epic quality (“Crysknife”), add a little hardcore pummel to the process (“Paper”) and toy with the quiet/loud dynamic (“The Judge”). Through it all, the band keeps it loose, delivering seven quality tunes that will restore your faith in a certain strain of Pacific Northwest hard rock that you thought had disappeared once Sub Pop went all indie rock on everybody.

This band is just the tip of the iceberg. Seattle is about to get loud again, and I would say it’s about time.

(Good To Die Records, PO Box 70251, Seattle, WA 98127)

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