Originally published in Verbicide issue #3
This is one seriously pissed-off band. Featuring ex-members of Fastbreak and Follow Through, Boston’s Right Brigade rips through 14 songs in less than 25 minutes, featuring tracks with titles like “Fuck the Kids,” “Broken,” and “Waste of Breath.” It’s definitely a sincere and powerful album, with fast-paced beats and a barrage of heavyweight power chords lead by a furious (and apparently oft-betrayed) vocalist, raging about lack of faith, friends, and loneliness. Musically, I think they sound a little bit like The Path of Resistance. If you like heavy hardcore, be sure to check these guys out; this debut album is good for moshing or just listening to on a bad day when everyone sucks.
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(Revelation Records, PO Box 5232, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-5232)