RESTORATIONS – Strange Behavior

reviewed by Dan Chapman | Friday, March 4th, 2011

Restorations newest Strange Behaviors EP is intriguing for its ability to touch upon multiple genres almost seamlessly. The slashing vocals of front man John Loudan bring back memories of ’90s grunge, while instrumentally staying the course of poster-child indie rock with driving beats and full guitars. Yet softer moments fall into the emo genre with Jimmy Eat World-esque wailings. It’s all over the map, but somehow Restorations finds a way to make it work.

The opening title track is a solid rock tune, moving in varied dynamics and ending with an impressive jam to close. In moments like these it’s easy to see a respectable live performance out of these guys. There’s a loose vibe in the heavily involved guitars and paired with thrashing vocals it gives a feeling of freedom in the music. Even when moments are dark as in the closing song “Documents,” the repeated groan, “I can feel her crawling through my bones” resounds in amidst gung-ho jam that almost lightens the mood surrounding the lyrics. There’s a pleasant balance of fun and freedom in the loose instrumentation while juxtaposed with a harsh sounding vocalist and cold lyrics.

I would be hard pressed to label Strange Behaviors unique, but it’s by no means a weak effort. The four-song EP delves into dark places at times but never goes too far, balancing heavier moments with minute long instrumental breaks and classy guitar solos. In my opinion, Restorations won’t be blowing any minds with this one, but it will be appealing to a variety of rock fans who like anything from Jimmy Eat World to Third Eye Blind.

(Paper + Plastick Records, PO Box 12081, Gainesville, FL 32604)

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