In late May 2014, actor and “Reading Rainbow” host LeVar Burton launched a Kickstarter campaign to expand the now online-only educational program. The longtime PBS show was relaunched by Burton and his team as an app, but the goal of the fundraiser was to “reach a new generation of digital natives” — getting “Reading Rainbow” on apps, in classrooms, and on mobile devices, gaming systems, and connected televisions. Basically, wherever children turn for entertainment and education.
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The response to the fundraiser was overwhelming, as children of the ’80s and ’90s latched onto the idea and sent the campaign hurtling past its original $1 million goal within theĀ first day of fundraising. Coupled with the promise of a quality educational show making its way to youth who so desperately need it, nostalgia surely played a heavy role in so easily convincing the members of Generations X and Y to rip open their wallets and drop a few bucks.
If you’re wondering why so many of us cling to such fond memories of the show — or if you just want to take a fun trip down memory lane — take a look at these five excellent clips from the show’s heyday in the 1980s.
Kermit the Frog Visits “Reading Rainbow”
From Episode 3.5, “Perfect the Pig” (July 5, 1985)
Playing Hockey With the New York Islanders
From Episode 5.6, “A Three Hat Day” (June 29, 1987)
Pete Seeger Reads “Abiyoyo”
From Episode 4.10, “”Abiyoyo” (July 4, 1986)
LeVar Visits Chinatown
From Episode 1.7, “Liang and the Magic Paintbrush” (June 14, 1983)
LeVar Is Transformed for Halloween
From Episode 1.2, “Miss Nelson Is Back” (June 7, 1983)
LeVar Gets Sawed in Half
From Episode 1.7, “Liang and the Magic Paintbrush” (June 14, 1983)