Independent film company Dead Ringer Movies has announced plans to film a full-length thriller/drama feature, Punk Noir. Directed by Mark Aylward, the movie will be filmed and set in Montreal, Quebec, following a group of street punks as they get into escalating bouts of trouble, culminating in a deadly clash with authorities.
The film will star Verbicide‘s own Chris Aitkens as Cameron, a squeegee punk hell-bent on making the next biggest punk doc, and Francophone actress Mélanie Elliot as Vanessa, who flips Cameron’s world upside down.
A Fundrazr campaign has been launched to raise funds for production — just five dollars will get you a link to the movie once it’s made.
Also, the movie features an international soundtrack with bands from the US, Canada, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Argentina and France. Limited edition double-vinyl records are being made for those who donate $100 to the campaign. For more info or to donate, click here.