Puffy AmiYumi in NYC for NYAF and NYCC

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Anyone else nerdy enough to be excited about the New York Anime Festival and the New York Comic Con that are happening this weekend in NYC? It’s going to be a super fun, geeky, cosplay freakout, and one badge gets you into both events! My goodness. Maybe I should break out the Pikachu costume and head on over.

There’s a bunch of great shows happening off site that are loosely related to the conferences, most notably the Far East to East Showcase featuring Puffy AmiYumi, arguably the cutest Japanese duo ever.

Far East To East Showcase
Date: October 10, 2010 (Sunday)
Venue: Irving Plaza (17 Irving Pl, New York NY 10003)
Lineup: Puffy AmiYumi, Boom Boom Satellites, Zazen Boys, Echostream

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