PROUDENTALL – What’s Happening Here

reviewed by Jackson Ellis | Friday, March 15th, 2002

What's Happening HereOriginally published in Verbicide issue #5

Good thing I have the press release that came with this album…you cannot read a damn thing anywhere on this CD’s liner because they used the most indiscernible font ever created. Oh well, I can get over it, because the music is great: Midwestern indie rock that is really bold, dynamic, and hard. The vocals are crisp and pleasing (kind of reminiscent of Robert Smith), and, unlike some of Caulfield’s other bands, these guys know how to play intricate, “arty” music but still keep a beat and roll with it. My only real complaint is that the fifth track is seven minutes of utter boredom: whispers, a horn, a single guitar chord strummed over and over. This tedium is extended for another four and a half minutes on the 10th — and final — track. If you want to buy this, go to the record store and look for the CD with the cool watercolor artwork and the illegible scribbles (who are the ad wizards that came up with this one?)

(Caulfield Records, PO Box 84323, Lincoln, NE 68501)

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