Photos: Bechdel Test Burlesque, Seattle, WA 10/9/15

photos by Heather Schofner | Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Heather Schofner recently shot photos at a naked, nerdy, feminist burlesque show called Bechdel Test Burlesque at ReBar in Seattle. Named after the test that sprung from Alison Bechdel’s Dykes to Watch Out For and held in association with GeekGirlCon, the country’s foremost celebration of the female geek, the show blended powerful, nerdy, and sexy in one intoxicating cocktail. Performers from near and far were featured — highlights included Portland’s Hyacinth Lee who did a rousing Ruth Bader Ginsburg act and headliner Miss Poison Ivory from New York who closed the show as Lana Kane from Archer. Check out these exclusive photos from the show.

Heather Schofner is the features editor of and the owner of Olympia, Washington-based Heather Schofner Photography.

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