Patrick Bower and the World Without Magic – The Dark Lord (of Love)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Patrick BowerSonically, Patrick Bower and the World Without Magic summons the dark mood of Scott Walker, structurally stems from the ornate pop of Harry Nilsson and draws on a quietly seductive charm made legendary by Serge Gainsbourg. Their songs, although pop songs at heart, are arranged with attention to intricacies akin to chamber music from an era long forgotten. Accompanying Bower’s voice is a wide range of instruments, from melodica, pedal steel guitar, mandolin and a chorus of back-up singers to a sole acoustic guitar. Always, though, those words float softly above it all. Live, Bower and band almost always feature their own invention, the Casio Man, (a secret instrument that creates an otherworldly sound) played by constant collaborator Darren Will.

In keeping with their attempts to bring an air of mystery to our logical world, the band’s performances in New York City are often intimate, invite-only affairs that the band carefully curates, choosing performers and other artists to whom they’ve submitted their trust. Performed in parlors around the city, the events start with a fine, sometimes elaborate meal often times prepared by Bower himself.

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