CD / Music


reviewed by Seth Gotro | Thursday, June 21st, 2007

on_a_warpath-on_a_warpath_reissueThese are some pissed-off individuals, right here. This is some hardcore for fans of Blood For Blood and Hoods for sure. If you’re into songs about chopping people up with machetes and shooting people with shotguns, this is your disc. This is definitely not a disc for people into Bury Your Dead. Posers get the beat down on this warpath. Only nine tracks long, this is a street fight set to music. Musically, there’s some good depth here; I was hearing metal in the guitars and the drumming is tight and fanatical. Vocals go from seemingly hip-hop inspired spoken declarations to guttural death metal growls. I enjoyed this disc quite a bit. My only beef is length — they seem to burn out after four rounds and need to work on their material to make their next disc longer. That’s not even really a knock, as quality definitely outweighs quantity — I just really liked the disc and wanted more than nine songs. Don’t know what they’re selling this one for, but it would be worth whatever they’re asking.

(Hand of Hope Records, PO Box 24913, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307)

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