reviewed by Garrett Lyons | Friday, June 7th, 2013

Old Man Markley "Down Side Up"Los Angeles-based bluegrass-punks (yes, you read that correctly) Old Man Markley’s latest effort Down Side Up combines everything you like about punk rock with everything you didn’t realize you liked from the realms of bluegrass and country to make a truly enjoyable record. The cutting lyrical sense of punk shows up in heavy doses, especially in “America’s Dreaming” and  “Blindfold,” but the instrumentation is all ripped straight out of the up-tempo bluegrass genre. Songs such as “Come Around Here” effortlessly take on a heavy female-driven country sound with punk rock tempos. In fact, the whole album breezes through in a simple raucous fun manner. Even more emotive tracks like “Up Side Down” still maintain a playfulness to them that makes Down Side Up a great listen. It’s a complete revelation, making bluegrass sound fresh while still keeping a traditional feel.

(Fat Wreck Chords, 2196 Palou Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124)

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