NOTHINGTON – Borrowed Time

reviewed by Sebastian Gahan | Friday, December 9th, 2011

Borrowed TimeThere is an underlying darkness that seems to pervade every song on Nothington’s latest album Borrowed Time. And the impassioned thrash that opens the album sets off a constant strain that continues right through to the end of the album.

Taken as a whole, I found the album to be somewhat overwhelming, with the doom-like atmosphere lingering in the background grating on occasion. But taken in chunks, the songs are much more enjoyable. There are usually one or two moments of respite on albums such as this to break up the noise, but there is barely a pause for breath or genuinely quiet moment throughout the 11 tracks.

The closest it comes to this is on “Hopeless,” with the bass and drums momentarily out of the mix for the guitar and vocal intro. This track is one of the album’s highlights, along with the impressively urgent “To Hold On” and the driving “Don’t Have To Wait.”

If you enjoy constant adrenaline-pumping thrash, you’ll love Borrowed Time. Even if the album becomes overwhelming, break up the listen and you’ll likely find much to enjoy.

(Red Scare Industries, no address provided)

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