Newt Gingrich Rally in Las Vegas Interrupted by Traumatic Anal Devastation

Monday, February 6th, 2012


The title is 100 percent true.  A Las Vegas rally for Republican Newt Gingrich on February 2nd was interrupted by Nevada grindcore band Traumatic Anal Devastation. The band showed up outside the rally, plugged their instruments in, and generated what a Gingrich staffer described as “the sound of a tank driving through a minefield.”

After five minutes or so, police showed up and put a stop to the protest performance. Vocalist Chip “Gravelthroat” Corbin said the inpromptu performance was a political statement based on the band’s agenda for equal rights, animal rights, and support of anti-war movements across the world, and added that the band’s name “is obviously metaphorical for the way the government and capitalism has continually raped the public at-large.” (via Universe Number Five)

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