I raved about these guys’ self-titled release on A-F awhile back and this is just more of the same. Great old-school hardcore that riffs all over bands like Dag Nasty, Minor Threat, and Government Issue. And they’re political as hell to boot! What’s not to rave about? In another context, I’d get a little pissy at stuff that’s this derivative, but given the general sorry state of what’s passing for hardcore these days with all its formulaic blather, this is a welcome blast of melodic noise. Hell, we’d all be better off if newer bands would start listening old platters by the Circle Jerks and Black Flag. There’s no filler on Don’t Believe. Every song wails. I’m particularly enamored with “Get the Bullet Out” and “ Destroy at All Cost.” This is a confident next step by a band I hope hangs around for a bit.
(Jade Tree Records, 2310 Kennwynn Rd., Wilmington, DE 19810)