Mike Patton – Il Cielo In Una Stanza

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

While Mike Patton is known for a employing a wide variety of incarnations, his new album Mondo Cane is unlike any of his previous projects.  First, and most obviously, Mondo Cane is an Italian language release.  Secondly, it finds the singer paying homage to other songwriters, a first for the front man of bands as original and influential as Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, and Fantomas.  Discussing the 11-song album, Patton explains “My purpose in revisiting these pieces is not to relive the past, not for nostalgia, but more to illustrate through modern and adventurous interpretation exactly how vital and important this music still is.”

The collection includes The Blackmen’s Urlo Negro, a late ’60s song about the Civil Rights struggle, to Gino Paoli’s Senza Fine, made famous by Connie Francis, and on to Patton’s beloved Morricone who penned Deep Down for the film Danger: Diabolik in 1968.

Click (control click for pc) to download!

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