MEMORY MAP – Holiday Band

reviewed by Vanessa Bennett | Monday, June 13th, 2011

Holiday Band, the latest full-length release from Memory Map, is an interesting and enjoyable concoction of enticing chord progressions and driving percussion blended with catchy harmonies. The only pitfall to this album is its repetition. While the composition is driving, each song has a tendency to blend into the next with out much originality.

The album packs quite the punch and is rife with energy, giving the illusion of being an upbeat soundtrack to the summer months. However, there is a much more dismal undercurrent on many of the tracks. “House Sitting” for example, is a ballad of regret, and “Hibernation” details the bleak atmosphere of the long winter months. The album’s second track, “Sew It Up,” gets under your skin with a simple start and driving end. There is a great mix of tricky and complex guitar riffs and ska infusions.

Memory Map has created a catchy punk rock album with an indie surfer edge. They bring the energy and intensity to a surprisingly high level. While there may be little distinction between the tracks, the album is sure to keep listeners engaged and energized throughout its entirety.

(Joyful Noise Recordings, PO Box 20109, Indianapolis, IN 46220)

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