MEAL DEAL WITH THE DEVIL by Dan Abbott, Jason Chandler, and Corbett Redford

reviewed by Shahab Zargari | Thursday, September 26th, 2013

Meal Deal With the Devil

Microcosm Publishing, 32 pages, paperback (with CD), $19.95

I first heard of Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits when I got their LP from Dirt Cult Records — really great stuff. Now, the band is releasing a new five-song EP/concept album. They teamed up with Jason Chandler of Horrible Comics and created an acid-flashback version of those My Little Golden Books called Meal Deal With the Devil, aptly subtitled “Horrible Little Listen-Along Book.”

Two of the songs on the EP are read-along tracks with the book, and while I would have loved to listen to these with my elementary school kids, there is no way they’ll be allowed to listen to this until at least high school! Rated R, kiddies! Didn’t stop me from making a couple Vine videos with the tracks:

The first story in the book follows the adventures of two bees who are invited to a party (say what?), and the second is “The Town With No Beer,” a story set in a working class town that has run out of beer (see Vine above for audio clip) because the beer truck has gotten stuck in the rain.

The non-read-along tracks are highly enjoyable, from the uplifting “Naked Beach Party (on the White House Lawn),” to the tongue-in-cheek lo-fi hip-hop track: “Punk You Let Me Down.”

Highly recommended if you’re over the age of 13 and want a dose of creativity that the mainstream outlets just can’t deliver.

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