Mayors of Liberty Release “Dream On” Album Teaser Video

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Mayors of Liberty | photo by Christina Mallet

Mayors of Liberty are a Seattle indie rock octet initially formed as an acoustic trio in March 2012. The group grew to its current size after the completion of their debut full-length, Another Day In The Dream Factory.  With their second full-length record, the group has developed and refined their sound and vision — the hard-hitting Dream On will be released on February 11, 2014, and the album teaser video below is being premiered here at It was made by Vlada Knowlton in Seattle and features locations such as the Rendezvous JewelBox, and “The Church” and Liberty Bar on Capitol Hill.

Mayors of Liberty – Dream On – Album Teaser from Vlada Knowlton on Vimeo.

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