MALE BONDING – Nothing Hurts

reviewed by Hanna Rose | Friday, June 18th, 2010

The Hipster Invasion is nigh on the horizon. What began as the subtle higher worth of skinny jeans has become a full blown counterculture of the 21st century — it has its own language, its own fashion, and, yes, it has its own music. Among which, Male Bonding’s new record, Nothing Hurts, may find itself at home.

You can raise a curious eyebrow or close exasperated eyes, but either way, Male Bonding transfers their gentle vibes through amps like pros in Nothing Hurts. They are fast players but defined. And beyond all expectation, a melody is not lost in the translation.

The London troupe of three are excellent executioners of power-pop that digs its claws into the beer-stained walls of your favorite dive. The distinctive riffs, equally balanced between watery and sharp, give each track its own persona. Even down to the scaling riff of “Weird Feelings,” which echoes with familiarity (though I can’t quite place it), makes the song seemingly significant.

Nothing Hurts has yet to disappoint me, but in an album of 13 tracks that just misses the 30-minute mark, there isn’t much to work with and no room for an in-depth evaluation of the miniscule details and finesse. But what can be said definitively: Male Bonding has produced a collection of catchy, loud, fun, and exciting music.

(Sub Pop Records, 2013 4th Ave., 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA 98121)

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