20 Questions: Mac Sabbath

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Mac Sabbath

“20 Questions With Verbicide” is an interview series in which an artist is handed a list of more than 100 questions and they select 20 from the list they would like to answer.

“Hey there, Verbicide! Mike Odd here, Manager of Mac Sabbath. Since the band is still anonymous and does not do interviews, I will handle this one. Without breaking our policy, I will allude that a few of these questions are indeed Ronald Osbourne’s answers. But I cannot tell you which ones.”

Ever bought anything from a late-night infomercial?

The Magic Bullet commercial is absolutely a hilarious “show.” I taped it and watched it over and over and showed everyone; we all laughed and laughed. It became a real party tape. But one day I got so into it I decided to get one. It’s actually a great product, and I use it all the time. I’m on my fourth one. I’m not complaining — I just wear them out!

Did you prefer life prior to the internet and cell phones and social media, or do you think we’re better for it?

The internet can be a wonderful, useful thing. Cell phones and social media are a necessary evil in modern communication, but I would trade them both to have none at all.

If you could only appear on one late-night television show, which would it be?

Twilight Zone rerun.

Choose but only one: a sweet, slightly salty Gruyère; creamy Camembert; or slow-smoked sharp cheddar, aged three years.

Cheddar is better!

What is your absolute oldest memory?

Well yesterday I…wait, I forgot.

Death by the iron maiden, or death by chocolate?

I would prefer a chocolate iron maiden. “When the chocolate pierces my skin, ooooooh!” Wait, I’m gonna go get one of those.

How many times have you visited Disneyland and/or Disney World? What is your favorite attraction?

I am a confessed Disneyphile and spook house aficionado. It just does not get better than the Haunted Mansion. They nailed it. I would live there if I could.

What is your favorite film of all time?

Hard pressed to pick a favorite, but Naked Lunch is the most underrated film of all time. Please watch it 13 times. You won’t be sorry.

What thing that everyone loves do you just totally not enjoy?


What was the first album you ever bought? What format was it in? Do you still have it?

I actually think is was Circle Jerks Golden Shower of Hits, and yes I do. Vinyl, that is. Unless you count 8-track tapes, then it was Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke soundtrack, and no I don’t.

Butter or margarine?

Are you kidding? You know margarine is poison, right? Is it still the ’80s or something? Please, please, don’t condone margarine, it is like a plastic.

How many pillows do you use?

One, but I’m working on none. Always trying to be a better person.

What is your favorite spice in your spice rack?

I use so much chili powder, when I am cremated you can put me right back on the rack!

What is your favorite film based on a novel by Stephen King?

The Shining, of course, because Kubrick derailed into one of the world’s most beautiful hidden mysteries. Stop reading this right now and start watching Kubrick’s Odyssey by Jay Weidner.

What’s the best or most memorable venue you’ve ever played?

Download Festival in England with Kiss, Motley Crue, Slipknot, and Judas Priest.

What’s the worst venue you’ve ever played?

Download Festival in England with Kiss, Motley Crue, Slipknot,  andJudas Priest, only because of the cold, rain, mud, and leaky tents!

Who is your favorite dead president?


What is the stupidest interview question you’ve ever been asked?

This one.

What is one interview question you’ve never been asked? How would you answer it?

That one; “This one.”

California or Florida — which one do you think will be first to be devastated by natural disasters?

Well, I am in Florida right now, so we are working on it.

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