15 Crazy Reactions to Stories From “The Onion” That Facebook Users Think Are Real

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014


There are multitudes of shitty, quasi-satire fake news websites popping up all over the internet. Sites such as The Daily Currant, The National Report, and ChristWire constantly post bogus news stories that are, occasionally, almost believable. At least, they’re believable enough to stoke the outrage of gullible social media users.

And that’s what they’re designed for — I mean, they’re certainly not going for laughs with titles like “Man Responsible For Olympic Ring Mishap Found Dead In Sochi.” Satire is pointed, humorous, and makes us examine our follies and inherent ridiculousness — hoaxes, on the other hand, do little more than further blur the lines between fact and fiction, and I think that line is already obscure enough.

But then there are those people who fall for the most obvious, most ridiculous satirical news. And when it comes courtesy of the most world-renowned satire publication on the planet — The Onion, which has been publishing for more than a quarter-century now — it is especially hilarious.

The website Literally Unbelievable has picked up on this, and compiles screen caps of people who have taken the most absurd, most unbelievable stories from The Onion to be real. Here are 15 of the best:

Literally Unbelievable - Reactions to "The Onion" Stories

Literally Unbelievable - Reactions to "The Onion" Stories

Literally Unbelievable - Reactions to "The Onion" Stories

Literally Unbelievable - Reactions to "The Onion" Stories

Literally Unbelievable - Reactions to "The Onion" Stories

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