LA DISPUTE – Wildlife

reviewed by Garrett Lyons | Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

La Dispute’s album Wildlife chronicles the existential crisis of coming of age as a 20-something in the modern world. In other words, it sounds like Thursday circa 2005. That said, there are bright spots to it. The whole vibe takes the emotive elements of Fugazi and marries it to the self-loathing style of My Chemical Romance and The Used. It’s not the freshest sound on the market, but is largely a respectable rock record. It sounds exactly like an emo record is supposed to, including the mandatory lyrics about suicide, heavy hearts, and religion. Everything flows together with the occasional curveball in pace, with “A Poem” being a heart-wrenching display. Otherwise, there is simply nothing remarkable here. It’s another emo record that isn’t terrible, but just isn’t great.

(No Sleep Records, 16651 Gothard St. Unit E., Huntington Beach, CA 92647)

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