reviewed by Heather Weil | Friday, March 15th, 2002

KolyaOriginally published in Verbicide issue #5

This CD is flooding back so many memories right now. I first witnessed this band about a year ago when they played a musky basement in Buffalo, New York. That night, they played an energetic set of sweet math rock melodies. Now, I’m sitting in my Boston, Massachusetts apartment, their hometown, reviewing this 10-track wonder. I’m recognizing some of these songs from the demo I got from the show. The last song on the CD, “Horizons,” has changed the most out of the five, and I definitely like this version a lot more.

The whole feeling of this CD is taking me back to 1995, when there were some actual decent crossover emo bands. It’s like Severin and Kite Eating Tree gave birth to a mathematical genius and named their spawn Kolya.

It’s now three hours later, and I’m still listening to this CD trying to think of what else I can say about it. It’s incredible. If you don’t get it, then you lose. Game over.

(Caulfield Records, PO Box 84323, Lincoln, NE, 68501)

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