Kick Picks: “The Crystal Crypt,” “Haunted Legs,” and “Monster Look-N-Find”

words by Heather Schofner | Friday, March 15th, 2013

From time to time, we like to publish a list of “Kick Picks” highlighting projects that we think folks should dig into their pockets to help fund. This time around we have a trio of super-fun projects for your perusal: a short film that’s near and dear to our hearts, and two unusual “children’s books.”

Philip K. Dick’s The Crystal Crypt by The GC 4

Shahab Zargari, longtime Verbicide contributor, has embarked on an exciting project and is doing a soon-to-be-ending Kickstarter to fund it. He’s making a short film based on “The Crystal Crypt,” a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick that was first published in the January 1954 edition of Planet Stories magazine.The story is set in the distant future, with Earth and Mars on the verge of war — and dammit, we want to see this movie. Back his project, receive tons of cool schwag, and know that you’re now cool in our book for doing so.

Philip K. Dick's "The Crystal Crypt"

The Haunted Legs by Brian Cook

Brian Cook hopes to fund a really charming-looking story about a pair of severed limbs that travels the world, trying to find a place where they belong. It seems like it has an “ugly duckling” thing going on, with a fun, childishly gory twist. Sure would like to thumb through this one.

Beware the Haunted Legs

Monster Look-N-Find by Jess Smart Smiley

Tons of kids I know love look-and-find books like this one that Jess Smart Smiley hopes to publish. I don’t really know what to do around children (generally, I talk to them like adults and they give me the hairy eyeball), but even I can see my awkward little self saying, “Hey, let’s find a monster paw, two snakes, a sandwich, and bones in this picture!” It sounds scary, but it’s actually really cute.

Monster Look-N-Find

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