Jenny Conlee of The Decemberists Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Today, The Decemberists sent out an email (also posted on their website) with some startling news: keyboardist Jenny Conlee has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will miss the band’s May and June shows. This will likely include their performances at Sasquatch and Bonnaroo.

Colin Meloy states that “the good news is that Jenny caught it early. And while the prognosis is very, very good for a full recovery, tackling the disease will mean some intensive treatment for our Jenny as well as a lot of important recovery time.”

We wish Jenny the best of luck for a speedy recovery, and would like to urge our readers to head over to the Breast Cancer Site to donate the gift of a free mammogram by simply clicking a link; no monetary donation required.

Here is the full email from The Decemberists:

Adored Mailing List Recipients,

About a month ago, we all at Decemberists HQ got hit with some pretty hard news. Jenny Conlee, our since-the-very-beginning accordion and keyboard player and all-around rad person was diagnosed with breast cancer. If you or anyone in your world has been handed a similar diagnosis, you know what a bolt-out-of-the-blue this news can be.

The good news is that Jenny caught it early. And while the prognosis is very, very good for a full recovery, tackling the disease will mean some intensive treatment for our Jenny as well as a lot of important recovery time.

So I’m writing this to say that, weighing our options, and with Jenny’s fervent blessings, we’ve decided to go forward with our scheduled tour dates this spring and summer.

What we know now: Jenny will very likely miss all nine of our concerts in May and June.  We’re all hoping that her recovery will be such that she’ll be able to get back on board as soon as possible.

And now, a note from Jenny:

Hello to Everyone,

I am very sorry to say that I will be missing a few shows coming up as I go through treatment for breast cancer. It has been great to be on tour these past few weeks. The band and crew are like family to me and have been incredibly supportive and understanding. To be making music with everyone and seeing the fans has helped me to feel more positive and keep my mind off of my diagnosis. But, alas, as the tour winds down, it is time for me to get back to reality. I will try to get into surgery as soon as I can after we return from this leg of the tour so I can begin my recovery. There are still a few unknowns out there concerning my cancer, but I am thinking positive and hope to be back on the road soon. Thanks for all of your support! See you soon!

Lots of love,

Thanks for everyone’s understanding during this crazy time.

Colin Meloy
The Decemberists

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